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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

8 Health Benefits of Watermelon For Diabetics

As watermelon is a sweet fruit, it is wrongly assumed to be ‘no good’ for people with diabetes. Watermelons are safe to eat and can definitely be included in a diabetic meal plan. But the key is to enjoy them as a part of a healthy, balanced diabetic diet. Watermelon is low in carbohydrates with natural sugars. It is also low in calories and packed with nutrients. The fruit is also recommended by the American Diabetics Association.

Watermelon provides a large number of essential nutrients, which are beneficial for the body. Some health benefits of watermelon for diabetics are:
  1. Watermelon is rich in Vitamin A, which is responsible for maintaining good cellular and eye health.
  2. Vitamin C, found in ample amounts in watermelon, is a potent antioxidant and helps the body fight against infections.
  3. Watermelon is also rich in Vitamins B1 and B6, which supports high energy levels.
  4. Levels of Potassium and Magnesium are also found to be high in watermelon. This helps in regulation of nerve impulses, blood circulation and is also beneficial for blood pressure.
  5. Watermelon is free of fat and cholesterol, which is important for a diabetic diet.
  6. Lycopene is found in abundance in watermelon. It has antioxidant properties and provides protection against heart diseases and some other circulatory disorders, which usually affect diabetic patients.
  7. Watermelon is rich in dietary fibre, which helps in digestion and cholesterol control.
  8. Studies reveal that watermelon is helpful in reducing and preventing high blood pressure. It may be a functional food that can prevent a condition resulting into hypertension 

Glycemic Index (GI) is a scale from 1 to 100 that measures the impact of different carbohydrate containing foods on our blood sugar levels. Higher the Glycemic Index, greater the effect of that food on our blood sugar level. Watermelon has a higher Glycemic Index with a GI rating of 72.

However, watermelon should be consumed in moderation, as eating watermelon can increase blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels for a longer duration can increase the risk of heart and kidney diseases and stroke. It also affects the vision. Watermelon can be a healthy choice for diabetic patients. However, the carbohydrate content in watermelon should be taken into consideration while planning a diabetic meal plan.

So, is watermelon good for diabetics? And the answer is definitely yes! But remember the keyword – moderation!

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