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Saturday, June 4, 2016

Acupressure Points for Diabetes

How to Use Acupressure Therapy for Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes?

Diabetes is the symptom of abnormality of body functions such as 'Inability to burn up sugars' and 'Insufficient production of insulin'. There is no cure of diabetes in alopathic system of treatment, but alternative therapies like acupressure offers prevention and cure possibilties in this connection. People who have undergone acupressure diabetes healing find improvement in their blood glucose or sugar level after acupressure treatment. Acupressure can reduce the sugar level significantly in patients with diabetes

Acupressure stimulates different pressure points in the body and can help improve a person’s normal health levels. By tapping into these specific pressure points, you are helping your body release healing mechanisms. These healing mechanisms are normally trapped by stress and fatigue you subject your body to daily. Ancient Chinese medicine teaches us that by releasing these “pressure points”, we are also releasing any negative energy that may be associated with that particular pressure point.

Applying gentle pressure on precise acupoints is believed to stimulate the central nervous system (i.e. brain & spinal cord) to release chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and the brain. These chemicals release other chemicals, such as hormones, that influence the body's natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional wellbeing. And thus naturally the blood’s sugar/glucose level normalizes without any negative side effect, but may be with positive side effects

The important acupoints are spleen 6, Liver 3, kidney 3, stomach 40 and reflex points of liver, pituitary, pancreas, thyroid and adrenal.        


5 Simple Acupressure Points for Diabetes.

Acupressure is one of the natural ways to cure your body and has been sought after over allopathy due to its healing properties by using body’s own energy.

So here’s a list of the most important acupressure points for diabetes

1. Palm

This acupressure point is a very important one that is said to help controlling not only diabetes but also reduce headache and other ailments.The fleshy part of your palm that falls between your index finger and the thumb is where this acupressure point lies. Hold this point with the index finger and thumb of another hand for as long as 5 minutes and repeat on the other hand. This point controls heat in the body and also relieves problems of the large intestine.

2. Wrist-Hand


This acupressure point basically lies near the wrist.The side of the wrist where the little finger of your hand lies i.e the right side of your wrist on your left hand and the left side of your wrist on your right hand is where this point lies. Very closely connected to the heart, this point helps in controlling stress from the heart. Massage this point everyday for 5 minutes to have a stress free heart which will control your diabetes automatically.

3. Knees


Knees are very closely connected to the digestive system as a whole. Diabetes can be controlled to a large extent if the digestive system work properly. Massage both your knees with your fingers in clockwise and anticlockwise direction for 5 minutes everyday to help your body cut down on stomach and digestion problems.

4. Feet


There are specific points on the feet that control problems like hypertension while treat diabetes as well as insomnia. This acupressure point lies on the front side of your foot, a little before your largest toe and the second toe. There is a joining point of both toes-measure 2 cms below that point and this acupressure point must be massaged for three to five minutes everyday to get your diabetes in control. Repeat on both feet.

5. Near the calf of your leg

This point is basically a little below the back part of your knee and above the calf of your leg. This acupressure point is connected to the urinary bladder which helps clearing impurities in the body. Problems regarding excess urination and others are common with diabetic people and applying pressure on this point for about three to five minutes shall help reducing such problems.

These acupressure points for diabetes must be practiced carefully and consistently for best results. These aim at some of the most closely connected problems to diabetes so when you treat core problems, the disease automatically becomes easy to treat. Eat healthy. Have a healthy lifestyle and practice these acupressure tips to eliminate any kind of ailments in your body.

5 Ways To Manage Diabetes With Acupressure

1. Back Of The Knee Fold

Excess urination is a common symptom of diabetes. It can be treating by stimulating the urinary meridian behind the knee. The area situated about 2 cm below the center of the knee fold and just above the calf muscle contains the acupressure point B 40 that controls the urinary bladder. Apply pressure on the B 40 point on both the legs. Applying pressure on this point for about five minutes helps in controlling excess urination.

2. Between Thumb And Index Finger


The acupressure point present between the thumb and index finger is known as the intestine point. Applying pressure on this point for 3 to 5 minutes helps in improving blood sugar control. Pressure should be applied on the intestine points on both the hands for best result. The intestine point also helps in improving the optimal health of the large intestine, provides relief from headache and controls the internal body temperature.

2.Side Of The Wrist Below The Small Finger


Stress worsens diabetes control. The acupressure point on your wrist below the small finger is known as the stress relief point. When pressure is applied on this point for about five minutes it helps in reducing stress and improving diabetes control. Apply pressure on the stress relief points on both the wrists for best result.

3.Side Of The Knee



Restoring the optimal health of the digestive system helps in improving diabetes management. The point situated below the knee cap, 2 cm away from the outer side of the knee joint is known as the arthritis point. Applying pressure on this point on both the legs for five minutes helps in improving the function of the digestive system.

4.Below The Large Toe And Second Toe Joint


On the feet, the point situated 2 cm below the joint of the large toe and the second toe is an effective acupressure point for controlling diabetes. A number of common health problems related to diabetes such as hypertension and insomnia can be treated by applying pressure on this point on both the feet for 3 to 5 minutes.


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  2. This is a really informative knowledge, Thanks for posting this informative Information. Acupressure for insomnia
