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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

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Saturday, June 4, 2016

Acupressure Points for Diabetes

How to Use Acupressure Therapy for Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes?

Diabetes is the symptom of abnormality of body functions such as 'Inability to burn up sugars' and 'Insufficient production of insulin'. There is no cure of diabetes in alopathic system of treatment, but alternative therapies like acupressure offers prevention and cure possibilties in this connection. People who have undergone acupressure diabetes healing find improvement in their blood glucose or sugar level after acupressure treatment. Acupressure can reduce the sugar level significantly in patients with diabetes

Acupressure stimulates different pressure points in the body and can help improve a person’s normal health levels. By tapping into these specific pressure points, you are helping your body release healing mechanisms. These healing mechanisms are normally trapped by stress and fatigue you subject your body to daily. Ancient Chinese medicine teaches us that by releasing these “pressure points”, we are also releasing any negative energy that may be associated with that particular pressure point.

Applying gentle pressure on precise acupoints is believed to stimulate the central nervous system (i.e. brain & spinal cord) to release chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and the brain. These chemicals release other chemicals, such as hormones, that influence the body's natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional wellbeing. And thus naturally the blood’s sugar/glucose level normalizes without any negative side effect, but may be with positive side effects

The important acupoints are spleen 6, Liver 3, kidney 3, stomach 40 and reflex points of liver, pituitary, pancreas, thyroid and adrenal.        


5 Simple Acupressure Points for Diabetes.

Acupressure is one of the natural ways to cure your body and has been sought after over allopathy due to its healing properties by using body’s own energy.

So here’s a list of the most important acupressure points for diabetes

1. Palm

This acupressure point is a very important one that is said to help controlling not only diabetes but also reduce headache and other ailments.The fleshy part of your palm that falls between your index finger and the thumb is where this acupressure point lies. Hold this point with the index finger and thumb of another hand for as long as 5 minutes and repeat on the other hand. This point controls heat in the body and also relieves problems of the large intestine.

2. Wrist-Hand


This acupressure point basically lies near the wrist.The side of the wrist where the little finger of your hand lies i.e the right side of your wrist on your left hand and the left side of your wrist on your right hand is where this point lies. Very closely connected to the heart, this point helps in controlling stress from the heart. Massage this point everyday for 5 minutes to have a stress free heart which will control your diabetes automatically.

3. Knees


Knees are very closely connected to the digestive system as a whole. Diabetes can be controlled to a large extent if the digestive system work properly. Massage both your knees with your fingers in clockwise and anticlockwise direction for 5 minutes everyday to help your body cut down on stomach and digestion problems.

4. Feet


There are specific points on the feet that control problems like hypertension while treat diabetes as well as insomnia. This acupressure point lies on the front side of your foot, a little before your largest toe and the second toe. There is a joining point of both toes-measure 2 cms below that point and this acupressure point must be massaged for three to five minutes everyday to get your diabetes in control. Repeat on both feet.

5. Near the calf of your leg

This point is basically a little below the back part of your knee and above the calf of your leg. This acupressure point is connected to the urinary bladder which helps clearing impurities in the body. Problems regarding excess urination and others are common with diabetic people and applying pressure on this point for about three to five minutes shall help reducing such problems.

These acupressure points for diabetes must be practiced carefully and consistently for best results. These aim at some of the most closely connected problems to diabetes so when you treat core problems, the disease automatically becomes easy to treat. Eat healthy. Have a healthy lifestyle and practice these acupressure tips to eliminate any kind of ailments in your body.

5 Ways To Manage Diabetes With Acupressure

1. Back Of The Knee Fold

Excess urination is a common symptom of diabetes. It can be treating by stimulating the urinary meridian behind the knee. The area situated about 2 cm below the center of the knee fold and just above the calf muscle contains the acupressure point B 40 that controls the urinary bladder. Apply pressure on the B 40 point on both the legs. Applying pressure on this point for about five minutes helps in controlling excess urination.

2. Between Thumb And Index Finger


The acupressure point present between the thumb and index finger is known as the intestine point. Applying pressure on this point for 3 to 5 minutes helps in improving blood sugar control. Pressure should be applied on the intestine points on both the hands for best result. The intestine point also helps in improving the optimal health of the large intestine, provides relief from headache and controls the internal body temperature.

2.Side Of The Wrist Below The Small Finger


Stress worsens diabetes control. The acupressure point on your wrist below the small finger is known as the stress relief point. When pressure is applied on this point for about five minutes it helps in reducing stress and improving diabetes control. Apply pressure on the stress relief points on both the wrists for best result.

3.Side Of The Knee



Restoring the optimal health of the digestive system helps in improving diabetes management. The point situated below the knee cap, 2 cm away from the outer side of the knee joint is known as the arthritis point. Applying pressure on this point on both the legs for five minutes helps in improving the function of the digestive system.

4.Below The Large Toe And Second Toe Joint


On the feet, the point situated 2 cm below the joint of the large toe and the second toe is an effective acupressure point for controlling diabetes. A number of common health problems related to diabetes such as hypertension and insomnia can be treated by applying pressure on this point on both the feet for 3 to 5 minutes.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


  Mengapakah saya perlu mengambil ubat ini?
  1. Merawat penyakit kencing manis dengan memastikan paras gula dalam darah berada di bawah kawalan
  2. Merangsang penghasilan insulin dalam badan
  3. Menurunkan paras gula dalam darah yang tinggi selepas makan. 

Bagaimanakah cara saya mengambil ubat ini?
  1. Ambil Gliclazide seperti yang diarahkan oleh doktor anda. 
  2. Jangan mengambil dos yang lebih atau kurang daripada yang diarahkan oleh doktor anda.
  3. Jangan berhenti mengambil ubat ini melainkan jika diarahkan oleh doktor anda.
  4. Gliclazide mesti diambil 1/2 jam sebelum makan.
  5. Jika anda sedang mengambil Gliclazide jenis pembebasan-diubahsuai (modified-release, MR), telan keseluruhan pil. 
  6. Jangan memotong, menghancur atau mengunyah pil tersebut.

Apakah yang perlu saya lakukan apabila terlupa mengambil ubat ini?
  1. Ambil dos yang tertinggal/terlupa sebaik sahaja anda ingat. 
  2. Jika ia hampir kepada masa untuk dos seterusnya, abaikan dos tertinggal/terlupa dan ikut kepada jadual biasa pengambilan ubat ini.
  3. JANGAN menggandakan dos dalam apa jua keadaan.

Apakah yang perlu saya beri perhatian semasa mengambil ubat ini?
  1. Hipoglisemia - paras gula darah yang rendah (Simptom-simptom hipoglisemia termasuklah pening kepala, sakit kepala, tangan menggeletar, rasa kelaparan, lemah badan atau kekeliruan dan kesukaran bercakap)
  2. Anda perlu mengambil minuman atau makanan yang mengandungi gula (contohnya, jus buah-buahan, minuman ringan dan gula-gula) semasa anda mengalami tanda pertama hipoglisemia. Jika simptom-simptom tidak bertambah baik, dapatkan bantuan perubatan dengan segera. Bawa pil gula (juga dikenali sebagai pil dekstrosa) bersama anda pada setiap masa.

Apakah kesan sampingan daripada pengambilan ubat ini?
  1. Ketidakselesaan perut seperti loya, muntah, senak dan cirit-birit - boleh dikurangkan dengan mengambil Gliclazide bersama-sama dengan makanan.
  2. Pening - jangan memandu atau mengambil bahagian dalam apa-apa aktiviti berat
  3. Peningkatan berat badan
*  Sentiasa beritahu doktor dan ahli farmasi anda jika anda mengambil mana-mana ubat-ubatan lain, termasuk ubat tradisional/herba dan makanan tambahan (suplemen).

Adakah terdapat sebarang sekatan terhadap jenis makanan yang saya boleh makan?
  1. Elakkan pengambilan alkohol.

Bagaimanakah cara saya menyimpan ubat ini?
  1. Simpan di tempat yang sejuk dan kering dan jauhkan daripada kanak-kanak. 
  2. Ubat-ubatan tidak boleh digunakan selepas ia melepasi tarikh luput.

senaraikan ubat kencing manis yg selalu diambil oleh patient
1. metformin 500 mg
2. glibenclamide 5 mg
3. glyclazide sr 30 mg
4. glyclazide 80 mg

kesimpulannye, dlm beberapa jurnal yg aku review, sumenye berpihak kepada gliclazide in terms of keberkesanan dan juga kesan sampingan...mungkin kajian2 ni akan mempengaruhi doc dan juga pharmacist dlm pemilihan drug..pape pon, mende yg plg penting ialah monitoring. sbb tiap2 orang akan respon dengan cr yg berlainan terhadap ubat yg diberi....okay, 2 je untuk kali ni...hehe..salam.

8 Health Benefits of Watermelon For Diabetics

As watermelon is a sweet fruit, it is wrongly assumed to be ‘no good’ for people with diabetes. Watermelons are safe to eat and can definitely be included in a diabetic meal plan. But the key is to enjoy them as a part of a healthy, balanced diabetic diet. Watermelon is low in carbohydrates with natural sugars. It is also low in calories and packed with nutrients. The fruit is also recommended by the American Diabetics Association.

Watermelon provides a large number of essential nutrients, which are beneficial for the body. Some health benefits of watermelon for diabetics are:
  1. Watermelon is rich in Vitamin A, which is responsible for maintaining good cellular and eye health.
  2. Vitamin C, found in ample amounts in watermelon, is a potent antioxidant and helps the body fight against infections.
  3. Watermelon is also rich in Vitamins B1 and B6, which supports high energy levels.
  4. Levels of Potassium and Magnesium are also found to be high in watermelon. This helps in regulation of nerve impulses, blood circulation and is also beneficial for blood pressure.
  5. Watermelon is free of fat and cholesterol, which is important for a diabetic diet.
  6. Lycopene is found in abundance in watermelon. It has antioxidant properties and provides protection against heart diseases and some other circulatory disorders, which usually affect diabetic patients.
  7. Watermelon is rich in dietary fibre, which helps in digestion and cholesterol control.
  8. Studies reveal that watermelon is helpful in reducing and preventing high blood pressure. It may be a functional food that can prevent a condition resulting into hypertension 

Glycemic Index (GI) is a scale from 1 to 100 that measures the impact of different carbohydrate containing foods on our blood sugar levels. Higher the Glycemic Index, greater the effect of that food on our blood sugar level. Watermelon has a higher Glycemic Index with a GI rating of 72.

However, watermelon should be consumed in moderation, as eating watermelon can increase blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels for a longer duration can increase the risk of heart and kidney diseases and stroke. It also affects the vision. Watermelon can be a healthy choice for diabetic patients. However, the carbohydrate content in watermelon should be taken into consideration while planning a diabetic meal plan.

So, is watermelon good for diabetics? And the answer is definitely yes! But remember the keyword – moderation!

Dates For Diabetes

Dates come from the date palm. This palm and its fleshy edible sweet fruit have been popularized by the Persian Gulf. This fruit is known for staying through the harsh winter and severe climates of the deserts. Not only is it a very hardy fruit, it is also a fruit that is rich in nutrients and makes a great addition to your daily snacks.
Dates contain a lot of sugar which sometimes makes it an unfavorable item for diabetics. Dates also contain vitamin A, thiamine, and complex of vitamin B, folate, vitamin C, and vitamin E, vitamin K, along with minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc.

Dates can provide fiber and are fat and cholesterol free. These fruits, fresh or dried, are the perfect energy snack. It contains fructose, sucrose and glucose which is what makes it naturally sweet. In the countries where dates are popular, they are often used to break fasts. 

The potassium in the dates gives it heart-strengthening capability. The magnesium in it makes the bones stronger and helps metabolism. It also has mild laxative properties so consuming the fruit can also help constipation and sluggish digestive systems. Dates have also been used in tonics to improve the health of reproductive organs. This fruit is also known to strengthen uterine walls and therefore is known to help in labor for pregnant women. It can also help new mothers in improving lactation while boosting their health and immunity. 

Dates are popular not only because of their accessibility and availability but also because they can benefit the body in so many great ways. The same benefits do not apply to people suffering from diabetes. Though dates are low in carbohydrates, their high sugar content makes them one of the red-letter items as far as diabetes goes. 

Dates have no cholesterol or protein and its carbohydrate content is largely made of sugar. Therefore, diabetics are allowed dates only in small amounts and as a part of a healthy meal plan.

Dates, along with other healthy but relatively unsafe foods for diabetes like peanuts and honey, often get a bad rap. These foods are, however, good for reducing bad cholesterol or LDL. For diabetics in particular portion control of these foods becomes very important. There are current studies being conducted to identify how the glycemic index could be affected if dates are had in conjunction with other foods like yogurt or whole grain cereal. More on diabetes symptoms and causes

A glycemic index is basically an index categorizing the food based on how quickly the body digests it and converts it into glucose. Glucose for diabetics needs to be controlled. High-glycemic foods are usually refined foods, sugar and most carbohydrates. Vegetables and fruits are generally low glycemic foods. This, however, does not hold true for some fruits and vegetables. Dates fall in that category, which is why dates are not readily recommended for people with diabetes. 

On-going research looks at how dates can be evaluated better on the glycemic index. Currently dates are quite high on this list because of its high sugar content. More dieticians and health professional are open to including few dates in combination with other elements like whole grains and vegetables, just like they are included in food in the Middle East. Newer research on the glycemic index indicates that just categorizing food on the basis of the sugar assimilation may not be the right way to do it. There are no obvious side effects of eating too many dates but regularly consuming a high number of dates can increase your risk to type 2 diabetes or the insulin resistant diabetes.

Can diabetes patients eat dates

Yes. Diabetics can eat dates. In fact doctors advice them to replace white sugar with PALM SUGAR, DATES and HONEY, if they want to have something sweet. It is better to have limited amount of these sweet items. The diabetic patient can consum about 2 or 3 fruits (Dates) per day.

The date is a food of high nutritional value. It provides natural sugar in the form of glucose and fructose. This sugar is ready for immediate absorption and is, therefore, infinitely superior to cane sugar. It is usually taken raw or with milk, which makes it highly nutritious in most respects.

Energy in date :
Glucose: Min 41%, 
Frutose:Min 29%, 
Carbohydrate:68.0g.Br ix:70 +_ 1%, 
Vitamin BI:0.03mg.
Vitamin B2 :0.06mg.
Vitamin C :2.60mg.

4 Simple Ways In Which Dates Help Control Diabetes

Diabetes means a big “NO” to sugar intake. Is it really true? Studies say that it is not true. Diabetics need to control their sweet intake instead of stopping sweet consumption. Controlling the sweet intake will slowly decrease the blood sugar level. Dates, an edible natural sweet fruit, are a healthy alternative to artificial sweeteners.

Dates and Diabetes – How Dates help Control Diabetes?

1. Possesses low and healthier GI:

It is quite obvious that your practitioner must have recommended you to be cautious about the glycemic index of any food you consume. This is because high GI foods are the main culprit in increasing the sugar level in the bloodstream. Experts have proved that dates have healthier GI and this is the reason that they are prescribed by many doctors for the diabetics. You might be anxious to know the GI of dates. Its GI depends on the type of dates you are consuming. Their variation rate is minimum 35.5 to maximum 49.7

2. Dates contain Glucose and Fructose:

Diabetics have a tendency to remove carbohydrates from their diet plan. Instead of removing them, one should include healthier whole grain carbohydrates. For example, if a diabetic intakes one hundred gram of dates then indirectly he is consuming seventy five grams of carbohydrates. Fructose, glucose and last but not the least sucrose are the sugars available in those carbohydrates. They work together to provide instant energy . Thus, many studies reveal that a diabetes patient can keep a packet full of dates while going out for work. This is because whenever the patient will feel lethargic then he may bring back the lost energy by eating one or two dates.

3. Fat free and nutritious sweet fruit:

Diabetic’s must also be aware of controlling their weight. They should eliminate many food items from their snacks. This sweet desert fruit is cholesterol and fat free therefore, they serve as a great snack item. Many essential disease protective minerals are also present in dates. The minerals present are iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and also copper. These minerals are required in small amounts but if the body is deprived of these nutrients then the health condition may be worsened. The insulin production is improved by the presence of zinc. Level of sugar is regulated by magnesium.

4. Dates contain Dietary Fibre:

Digestive function becomes normal if a person consumes large amount of fibre foods. Eight grams of fibre is present in hundred grams of dates. Researches expose that a soluble fibre is present in dates naming Beta-D-glucan. This soluble fibre decreases the absorption of cholesterol by the body cells. Glucose is absorbed by the small intestine. Thus it is concluded that the level of blood sugar is not increased if a diabetic consumes dates within a prescribed limit.

Can Diabetics Eat Honey

Can Diabetics Eat Honey? The Research Will Surprise You

Diabetes is a deficiency of the pancreas, whereby insulin is not produced sufficiently or utilised properly. It's basically a disorder of metabolism, primarily that of carbohydrates. The ingested sugars and starches cannot be deployed, and hence are eliminated in the urine.


Effect of honey in diabetes mellitus: matters arising
Omotayo O Erejuwa

Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders 2014 13:23

In the last few years, there has been an increased interest in the therapeutic uses of honey. This is largely due to an increase in the availability of evidence-based findings demonstrating the health beneficial effects of honey in treating diverse disease conditions including diabetes mellitus.

Anti-diabetic drugs in combination with honey improve glycemic control, enhance antioxidant defenses and reduce oxidative damage. These effects are believed to be mediated partly via antioxidant mechanism of honey.

As the evidence has revealed, the prospect of managing diabetes mellitus with honey or antioxidants (such as vitamin C or E) as an adjunct to conventional diabetes therapy is vast.

Hyperglycaemia  -an excess of glucose in the bloodstream, often associated with diabetes mellitus

You can see honey contains water and many trace vitamins and minerals that sugar doesn’t. That’s why honey is only 82% sugar by weight, while sugar is 99.9%… And that’s also why honey contains fewer calories than sugar.

Honey is also reported to contain at nearly 200 different substances, especially antioxidants. Antioxidants are thought to protect against many forms of disease . 

The Glycemic Index (GI) ranges considerably depending on the type of honey, but the entire GI concept itself is unpredictable anyway.

This would help explain why honey could be beneficial alongside anti-diabetic medications.

Dark honey contains antioxidants: Two human studies showed that dark, buckwheat honey is a strong source of antioxidants. Antioxidants may help protect against many lifestyle diseases.

Improves cholesterol and markers of disease: Several human studies have found that frequent honey consumption reduces high total cholesterol and LDL, improves HDL, and lowers inflammatory markers of disease 

Topical Healing: Not a metabolic benefit, but honey appears to display medicinal properties when applied to the skin. It has been shown to kill bacteria and increase wound healing speed ).

Honey is also linked to a host of other health benefits, ranging from gut health to the liver.

If you have well-managed diabetes, are not overweight and are otherwise healthy, then honey as a replacement for sugar is likely beneficial.

I am 40 years old prediabetic and with high ldl cholesterol.
I take a mug of warm water in empty stomach.
Should you suggest adding lemon or honey or cinnamon and so forth to control my sugar level?

I think you should focus on the things that have the greatest impact to your health.
Ways to reduce overall carb intake and calories intake (maintaining a healthy weight), and increasing physical activity levels.This contributes to 80%+ of your health, lemon water will help you 0.001%

Honey is a carb food as well, just like rice, potatoes, thus just keep in mind that 1 tablespoon of honey has approximately 17 grams of carbohydrate, and taking that into account when counting your total daily intake of carbohydrates, diabetics can work it out just like any other sweetener or carbohydrates. To monitor response to honey, blood sugar levels could be noted before consumption and again two hours later. Also, when purchasing commercial honey for diabetic patients, be sure that it is pure and not adulterated by glucose, starch, cane sugar, and even malt, which is to better to be avoided in a diabetic diet.

You should restrict your carbohydrate intake to 45 g to 60 g per meal for best blood sugar control, according to the American Diabetes Association. Honey, like all other sugar, is a concentrated source of carbohydrates. A tablespoon of honey provides 17.3 g of carbohydrates, while a teaspoon has 5.8 g of carbohydrates, according to the USDA National Nutrient Database. Although these amounts may appear small, it can add up quickly depending on how much you use at one time.

It is a good idea to track your carbohydrate intake. Write down the food you eat, with the corresponding serving size, and estimate the carbohydrate content of each of these foods using food labels or food composition tables. Add it up and make sure that each of your meals provide no more than 45 g to 60 g of carbohydrates. If honey can fit within your carbohydrate budget, your blood sugar control should not be impaired.

How Does Honey Help Diabetics?

Honey contains high calories and is also sweeter than sugar. This indicates that a diabetic does not need to consume large amount of honey for its excessive sweetness. 

Only a teaspoon of honey is sufficient for sweetening a drink of a diabetes patient. Consumption of honey will also facilitate the person to attain more energy and feel revitalized. But, one important point you should keep in mind while consuming honey is that it is raw and pure. Pure honey does not enhance the level of blood sugar if consumed within control.

A diabetic can consume two spoons of pure honey with yogurt in the early hours of the morning. It is healthier and will not increase the sugar level. Processed honey should always be avoided by diabetic patients. Eating fresh salads and eating raw honey has the same good values.

Studies have revealed that raw honey consumption can positively diminish the level of blood sugar from sixty to one hundred milligram. Adding raw honey into the diabetic’s diet is preferable but not in large amount.

This is quite shocking but it is true that diabetes can be very well be cured and kept in control if the patient follows a balanced diet. Now-a-days, even doctors recommend honey for diabetics to consume a spoonful of pure honey every morning. This is because it is a food rich in anti- oxidants.

Therefore, consumption of honey can be helpful in providing beneficial effects on body weight and blood lipids of diabetic patients. However, proper care should be taken while consumption of honey by diabetic patients. But before you decide to make the switch, it is recommended that you make sure to first consult your doctor or your dietician.