Reflexology needs to be used as a support to medical treatment and not as a substitute. By using this reflexology self massage treatment
your knee will feel a lot more flexible. You will also experience less
pain in your knee, which will make it easier for you to move around.
Reflexology perlu digunakan sebagai sokongan kepada rawatan perubatan dan bukan sebagai pengganti. Dengan menggunakan refleksologi diri sendiri ini, lutut anda akan berasa lebih fleksibel. Anda juga akan mengalami kurang kesakitan di lutut, yang akan membuat anda lebih mudah bergerak.
1) Spine Reflex:
The spine acts as the support system for the whole body, which help
take the weight of the knees. This spine reflex point is found on the
inside portion of the feet. This point is located from the edge of the
heel to the neck of the big toe. Hold your feet in your hands and run
you thumbs on this point for at least 10 minutes.
Tulang belakang bertindak sebagai sistem sokongan untuk seluruh badan, yang membantu mengimbangi beban berat lutut. Titik refleks tulang belakang terletak di bahagian dalam kaki. Titik ini terletak dari tepi tumit ke leher ibu jari kaki. Pegang kaki anda di tangan anda dan picit ibu jari pada titik ini untuk sekurang-kurangnya 10 minit
2) Knee Reflex Point:
This point will help to strengthen your knee joint and heal any
injuries in this area. This reflex point is found one inch below the
ankle bone, it is located in a small and soft triangular section. Place
your thumb on this point and move it up and down with some pressure.
Make sure that you massage the points that feel sore and hard for 5
Titik ini akan membantu menguatkan sendi lutut anda dan menyembuhkan sebarang kecederaan di kawasan ini. Titik refleks ini terletak satu inci di bawah tulang buku lali, ia terletak di bahagian segi tiga kecil dan lembut. Letakkan ibu jari anda atas titik ini dan bergerak ke atas dan ke bawah dengan sedikit tekanan. Pastikan anda mengurut titik yang berasa sakit dan keras untuk 5 minit.
3) Calf’s Nose:
This point is located on the outer side under the knee cap. Work on
this area with your fingers moving in circular motions for 3 to 5
minutes. You need to apply some pressure on this area. It relieves your
knees from any kind of stiffness and pain.
Titil ini terletak di bahagian luar di bawah tempurung i lutut. Urut di kawasan ini dengan jari anda dengan gerakan membulat selama 3 hingga 5 minit. Anda perlu . Ia melegakan lutut anda daripada apa-apa jenis kekakuan dan kesakitan.
4) Nourishing Valley:
This reflex point will help you get rid of knee pain, abdominal pain
and also genital disorders. You need to place two fingers on the edge of
you knee crease in the hollow between both the tendons. This is marked
point A in the image. Now move your fingers up and down by applying a
little bit of pressure for 5 to 7 minutes. You will notice that by doing
this thrice a day, you will be free from the tension around the knees.
Titik refleks ini akan membantu anda menghilangkan sakit lutut, sakit perut dan gangguan kemaluan. Anda perlu letakkan dua jari di tepi lutut dalam kawasan berongga antara kedua-dua tendon. Ini ditandai titik A dalam imej. Sekarang gerakkan jari anda ke atas dan ke bawah dengan menggunakan sedikit tekanan selama 5 hingga 7 minit. Anda akan mendapati bahawa dengan melakukan tiga kali ini sehari, anda akan bebas dari ketegangan di sekeliling lutut.
5) Three Mile Point:
Just 2 inches below your kneecap and one centimeter away from the
shinbone, you will find the three mile point. Press this point with your
index and middle finger for 5 minutes. This pressure point will strengthen the whole body. It will tone the muscles and also relieve you from knee pain.
6)Commanding Activity:
This reflex point has proved to be really effective for many people.
It is not hard to find it as it is located at the edge of the crease on a
bent knee. This is point B in the image. You need to apply pressure in
circular movements on this point. If the massage is done properly for 10
minutes you will experience less pain and stiffness in the knee.
7) Shady Side of the Mountain:
This is a magical reflex point as it is used to cure and treat many
health conditions. By accessing this point one can find relief from
water retention in the body, swelling, knee problems, leg tensions,
cramps, varicose veins and edema. You can find this point on the inside
of the leg, just below the bulge on the head of the shin bone. Place
your index and middle finger on this point and press it for 10 minutes.
You can release it after every two minutes and hold it again for extra
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